Herring, egg and potato sallad

ägg, sill och potatissallad
  • Näringsvärden per portion

    Energy (kcal) Energy (kcal):

    581,12 kcal

    Carbonhydrates Carbonhydrates:

    60,36 g

    Protein Protein:

    29,76 g

    Fat Fat:

    23,48 g

    Fibre Fibre:

    4,60 g

    Salt Salt:

    3,53 g

Scandinavian snack

Easy Scandinavian snack with lots of protein


Portions: 1

2 st Potato boiled w/ salt

2 st Egg raw

100 g Herring autumn pickled w/o sweet brine

0.25 st Onion red

  • Peel and boil the potatoes and let them cool down. Even better if you do them the day before and keep them in the fridge. Chop them up in small pieces
  • Boil the eggs for 8 min so they are hard. Peel them and split them in half
  • Put the potatoes, egg and herring in a bowl.
  • Add some chopped onion tp the sallad and serve

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