
  • Näringsvärden per portion

    Energy (kcal) Energy (kcal):

    244,00 kcal

    Carbonhydrates Carbonhydrates:

    35,24 g

    Protein Protein:

    10,94 g

    Fat Fat:

    5,79 g

    Fibre Fibre:

    3,00 g

    Salt Salt:

    1,64 g

This is really a quick and easy recipe full of energy for your body


Portions: 1

1 dl Rolled oats wholegrain

2 dl Tap water

2 dl Semi-skimmed milk 1.5% fat fortified

0.25 tsk Salt w/o iodine

  • Boil up the water in a sausepan
  • Add the oats to the boiling water
  • Put a little salt in, not much. It is better if you take to little than to much
  • Let it simmer for about 5 minutes until the oats absorb the liquid and everything gets thicker
  • Serve in a bowl with milk. You can add jam if you are not afraid of sugar but a healthier alternative is fresh berries

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