Why Should you do Pendley Row?
This is an explosive exercise for the back. Unlike several other back exercises where you have to pull up the weight slowly, Pendley Rows should contain some speed. However, it would help if you were not careless with the shape but fully controlled the body. Do not put too much weight on the barbell but aim for more reps instead. At least 10-12 is a good goal.
Exercise Details for Pendley Row
Primary MuscleLats, Rear Delt, Traps, Middle back
Secondary MuscleLower back, Gluteus, Biceps , Middle back, Forearms, Quads
Place the barbell on the floor in front of you. Put on the weights. Be careful to use the safety locks as the speed can cause the weight plates to move. Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet slightly angled outwards. Grab the bar a little more than shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip, i.e., the palms of your hands facing you. Bend your legs and tighten your torso. Your back should be in a neutral straight position and be parallel to the floor or tilt slightly upwards when you now hold the bar, do not bend it at all. This is perhaps the most important part of the instruction. Never do this exercise other than with a neutral back! If you can not walk all the way down to a parallel position with the floor, this is perfectly ok, do the exercise only with a tilted upper body. Make sure the bar is on over the front half of the foot. Do not look forward so that the neck bends but obliquely down forward in the ground so that the neck is neutral. You are now in the starting position.
Now pull the bar up against the body fairly quickly. Aim to end up just below or on the lower part of the chest. Remember that your elbows should pull and end up behind your body. Your shoulder blades should contract to the maximum in the top position. All other parts of the body should be fixed during the movement except for your arms that pull up the bar and your shoulder blades that are pulled together in the top position. Your back should always maintain the same position as the starting position, and your knees should maintain the same curved angle.
When you have pulled up the weight so that it touches your body, you reverse the movement in a controlled manner and return the weight to the floor. Let the bar completely land on the floor so that you get a completely new start before the next rope.
Do not flap out with your arms 90 degrees towards the body when you pull up the bar, but rather 45 to 60 degrees.
When the bar hits the body, you should have an angle of about 90 degrees in the elbow joint. Adjust the grip in width if this does not happen.
Tips for Pendley Row
- Do not take too much weight, do many reps instead
- Use safety locks so that the weight plates do not move
- Grip slightly wider than shoulder-width with an overhand grip
- Your back should be in a neutral position at all times, never go further down with your upper body than you can have a neutral back
- The back should be fixed and not swing up and down
- The bar should be over the front of your foot
- Remember to pull your elbows behind your body
- Your arms should not flap out 90 degrees from the body but rather in a 45-60 degree angle when you pull up the bar
- Pinch the shoulder blades together in the top position
- Let the bar rest for a second on the floor between each new repetition